I chose the Beatles because I feel that their songs had a great impact on society and that they have influenced people all over the world. The genres their music was categorized into would be rock and roll, pop, psychedelic, classical elements, Indian classical, and a song that couldn’t be categorized because of the multiple elements; a day in the life. They were influenced by multiple artists but their first influences were Elvis Presley, Little Richard, and Chuck Berry. Later on, the list of people that influenced them grew with them. This list includes Buddy Holly, Eddie Cochran, Roy Orbison, the Everly Brothers, Bob Dylan, Frank Zappa, the Lovin' Spoonful, the Byrds, and the Beach Boys. They first promoted themselves by playing every night at their local pub, The Cavern. They further promoted themselves by making music videos, concept albums, stadium concert venues, a self-contained record label, live global television broadcasts, studio techniques (double tracking), lyrics printed on their albums, and radio broadcasts. Though, ultimately I believe that there music is why they were so successful. Some of their songs may have contained very random lyrics but people loved it. They didn’t stick to any one genre and sometimes incorporated multiple genres into one song. The Beatles are one of the most well-known bands today but they aren’t even a band anymore. They have made a huge impact on the world by just making music. This impact has influenced so many artists to become what they are and by just existing they are still a major part of the merchandising industry.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Ch. 5 Test Review Questions and Answers
Where do entrepreneurs look to find new ideas?
Entrepreneurs find their new ideas by looking at everything and trying to think of a way it can be improved or of something to improve it. For example, someone looked at their IPhone and said that it needs a stand for a car where it will be easy to see and utilize the GPS app to its full potential.
Where do experienced business people get information?
Experienced people get their information from past problems, researching, and previous clients or business partners. Due to their experience they would know how to research anything and find their answers quicker than a new business person. If they know someone from previous experience they may be able to get the knowledge they are looking for from that previous client or partner.
Experienced people get their information from past problems, researching, and previous clients or business partners. Due to their experience they would know how to research anything and find their answers quicker than a new business person. If they know someone from previous experience they may be able to get the knowledge they are looking for from that previous client or partner.
What is the difference between invention and innovation?
The difference between an invention and innovation is that an invention is something new, whereas an innovation is something they added to an invention to improve it.
The difference between an invention and innovation is that an invention is something new, whereas an innovation is something they added to an invention to improve it.
How do people protect their ideas?
People can protect their ideas by only letting someone they trust see all the steps and materials needed in order to make their idea into reality. Though, sometimes they won't tell anyone other then themselves and maybe a lawyer.
People can protect their ideas by only letting someone they trust see all the steps and materials needed in order to make their idea into reality. Though, sometimes they won't tell anyone other then themselves and maybe a lawyer.
Define the following: lateral thinking, trademark, brainstorming, patent, right brain, intellectual property, left brain.
- Lateral Thinking: a form of thinking where you find another approach that is more creative and not immediately thought of.
- Trademark: A legally obtained and protected phrase, logo, word that represents a particular company or product.
- Brainstorming: A method used to produce or expand an idea.
- Patent: A legal/government document that states for a set period of time that the rights or title of an invention belongs to a person or corporation and cannot be made and sold by somebody else.
- Right Brain: The right side of the brain that is believed to be more creative in thoughts and emotions.
- Intellectual Property: The work and invention of something to which someone would apply for a patent, copy right, trademark, etc. for security.
- Left Brain: The left side fo the brain which is believed to be intellectual and analytical.
List the six thinking hats and their modes of thinking discussed in class.
- White: Data and information.
- Red: Feelings, intuition, and emotion.
- Yellow: Positive views; optimism.
- Black: Caution.
- Green: Creative thinking and provides new ideas.
- Blue: Process control.
What are more ways to generate ideas?More ways to generate ideas is to try and find inspiration before you try to think of something. This will increase the chances of thinking of something due to it causing your determination to kick in. Also, you can ask people you know about stuff they want to be made. These will help provide you with a stepping stone to what you want to do or create.
Find 10 brain teasers or problem solving exercises to share with the class. Give the brain teaser along with the answer. Challenge your neighbor.
- Which creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening? Man. He crawls on all fours as a baby, then walks on two feet as an adult, and then walks with a cane as an old man.
- What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? A towel.
- Paul's height is six feet, he's an assistant at a butcher's shop, and wears size 9 shoes. What does he weigh? Meat.
- If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me. What am I? A secret.
- The day before yesterday I was 25 and the next year I will be 28. This is true only one day in a year. What day is my birthday? He was born on December 31st and spoke about it on January 1st.
- How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you, even if it doesn't bounce off anything? There is nothing attached to it, and no one else catches or throws it back to you. Throw the ball straight up in the air.
- A man who lives on the tenth floor takes the elevator down to the first floor every morning and goes to work. In the evening, when he comes back; on a rainy day, or if there are other people in the elevator, he goes to his floor directly. Otherwise, he goes to the seventh floor and walks up three flights of stairs to his apartment. Can you explain why? The man is of short stature. He can't reach the upper elevator buttons, but he can ask people to push them for him. He can also push them with his umbrella.
- A man accused of a crime, hired an attorney whose statements were always admitted by the court as undisputable truth. The following exchange took place in court.
Prosecutor: "If the accused committed the crime, he had an accomplice."
Defender: "That is not true!"
Did the attorney help his client?
The statement of plaintiff is a lie only if the hypothesis (or antecedent) is true and conclusion (or consequent) is not true. So the solicitor did not help his client at all. He actually said that his client was guilty and there was no accomplice. - What kind of tree can you carry in your hand? A palm.
- Feed me and I live, yet give me a drink and I die. Fire.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Flash of Genius Take Home Test- Ch. 5
- Where did Robert Kearns get the idea of intermittent windshield wipers?
On his honey moon he tried to open a bottle of champagne but it hit his eye. Due to this he became interested in the human eye and one day when he was driving his car he thought why doesn't a windshield blink like an eye? This gave him the idea to invent a windshield wiper that would essentially blink. - Why did Kearns feel that ethics was important in engineering? What do you think?
He felt that ethics was important in engineering because an engineer made an artificial aorta and another engineer made the gas chambers for Auschwitz. Engineers may have to make a decision where they could invent something bad or something good. I believe that ethics is important in engineering but if you have to go down the bad path then make your invention faulty. If you can't stop it, at least you can delay it. - Why was Kearns wary of showing his invention to the engineers at Ford?
He was wary because they were already working on their own version of what he invented but if he showed them they would be able to figure out his concepts and not need him in the picture. - List what you think the 5 biggest sacrifices Robert Kearns made to pursue his dream.
1) His wife
2) His family
3) His job
4) His friends
5) Part of his sanity - What was initially motivating Kearns to pursue his dream and invent his wiper blades?
Initially it was his family that motivated him and a new project to tinker on. He liked inventing things that helped the people surrounding him. - Why did Kearns continue to fight Ford against all odds and not accept the offers to settle?
Kearns continued to fight Ford and not accept their offers because he did not care about the money they were offering; it was not what he was asking for. All he wanted was for the world to know that it was his invention and not Fords. - How do you think Kearns could have protected his invention better?
Kearns could have protected his invention better by seeing multiple automobiles company's about his product and only showing them everything until after they have a contract that they agree on. This way no one would be able to know how his invention worked until after the contract was signed and Kearns would get the recognition he deserved and wanted. - Was the fight that Robert Kearns went through worth it?
The fight that Kearns went through was worth it but not necessary. I believe that if Ford was smart they could have saved their millions of dollars and given Kearns what he wanted. Everyone would have been happy and maybe Kearns and his wife would have still been together. The fight was worth it because in the end Kearns got what he desired and should have had rightfully from the start. - What did you learn about being an entrepreneur from this movie?
What I learned in this movie about being an entrepreneur is that you can't give up and you do have to take risks. You can't let people walk all over you if you have a good idea. You have to stick up for yourself and demand the respect you deserve. - Did this movie intimidate you from or motivate you to become an entrepreneur? Explain.
The movie both made me want and afraid to be an entrepreneur. It made me want to be an entrepreneur because it showed me that having fun and doing work can exist together. Though, it also put me off from wanting to be an entrepreneur because I don't know if I could handle the stress and loss that Kearns had to go through. - After watching the movie, would you consider Robert Kearns a success in life or a failure? Why or Why not? Explain in detail.
I believe that he was both a failure and a success in life. He was a failure because he put his work and stress before his family and loved ones. Due to this he lost friends, his wife, and almost lost his kids. Though, he was also a success in life. He didn't let Ford push him around because he was almost powerless against him. He took proper risks and was able to stand up for himself; while going through tremendous loss and anxiety. He was able to show the world what he did and because he didn't give up he was rewarded with a substantial amount of money.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Heely's Wheel Shoes
this trend was important?
it impacts the labour market
This trend was important during the
time they were popular because they made it easier for people to get around.
People found them fun, helpful, and stylish for that time period.
This corporation had a revenue of $5.60
million and it was most popular for their Heely’s Wheel Shoes. It impacted
the labour market because it was an international business that had a wide
range of employees from around the world.
8-12 year olds.
Plans released for new models
Rising popularity
Slow loss of popularity
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
John Deere
The Story of John Deere
1. He was born in Rutland, Vermont on February 7, 1804.
2. He had a common school education and served a four-year apprenticeship learning the blacksmith’s trade.
3. Business started to lack but many natives were going west due to rumors of prosperity and opportunities. He decided to go west to find work.
4. Due to the need for a blacksmith being so high he built a forge and started helping out the community two days after his arrival.
5. The tools they had been meant for light and sandy soil that was back east. The soil they were trying to fertilize stuck to the bottom of their plows quickly.
6. John Deere thought he could solve their problem by making a plow with a highly polished and properly shaped moldboard and share ought to scour itself as it turned the furrow slice.
7. Blacksmiths usually made their tools when the customer ordered them but Deere decided to make them before any customer placed an order.
8. There were few banks, the transportation was bad, and there wasn’t much steel.
9. He wanted to take advantage of the water power and transportation that location offered due to the Mississippi River.
10. In 1868, John Deeres company got renamed to Deere & Company because his business had been incorporated.
11. In 1911, the business brought in 6 noncompeting companies which made it into a full line manufacturer of farm equipment. The president at the time was William Butterworth; the third president of Deere & Company.
12. His strong emphasis on engineering and product development resulted in rapid growth of the company. He was a good president because he expanded the company quickly with determination.
13. The company did amazingly during the time of the depression and achieved $100 million in gross sales for the first time the in company’s history.
14. William A. Hewitt expanded the company even further and made the between 1955-1982 one of it’s greatest time periods of growth. The company had become worldwide and Deere became the number one producer in the world for farm equipment. Also, they became a major producer for forestry, construction equipment, and lawn care products worldwide.
1. He was born in Rutland, Vermont on February 7, 1804.
2. He had a common school education and served a four-year apprenticeship learning the blacksmith’s trade.
3. Business started to lack but many natives were going west due to rumors of prosperity and opportunities. He decided to go west to find work.
4. Due to the need for a blacksmith being so high he built a forge and started helping out the community two days after his arrival.
5. The tools they had been meant for light and sandy soil that was back east. The soil they were trying to fertilize stuck to the bottom of their plows quickly.
6. John Deere thought he could solve their problem by making a plow with a highly polished and properly shaped moldboard and share ought to scour itself as it turned the furrow slice.
7. Blacksmiths usually made their tools when the customer ordered them but Deere decided to make them before any customer placed an order.
8. There were few banks, the transportation was bad, and there wasn’t much steel.
9. He wanted to take advantage of the water power and transportation that location offered due to the Mississippi River.
10. In 1868, John Deeres company got renamed to Deere & Company because his business had been incorporated.
11. In 1911, the business brought in 6 noncompeting companies which made it into a full line manufacturer of farm equipment. The president at the time was William Butterworth; the third president of Deere & Company.
12. His strong emphasis on engineering and product development resulted in rapid growth of the company. He was a good president because he expanded the company quickly with determination.
13. The company did amazingly during the time of the depression and achieved $100 million in gross sales for the first time the in company’s history.
14. William A. Hewitt expanded the company even further and made the between 1955-1982 one of it’s greatest time periods of growth. The company had become worldwide and Deere became the number one producer in the world for farm equipment. Also, they became a major producer for forestry, construction equipment, and lawn care products worldwide.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
The Social Network
1. Mark’s passion was to be substantial in order to get the attention of the clubs. He’s prepared to sacrifice basically anything and everything.
2. He got in trouble because he took photos that were not his without permission and used it to offend others. He violated individual’s privacy rights and distribution digitized images.
3. It shows that he just wants to do something substantial and doesn’t necessarily care about the money.
4. Harvard Connection provided an easier way to communicate and keep up with your friends than Myspace and Friendster. It was also only used between the people of Harvard.
5. Mark had a difficult time making and keeping friends so he used Facebook as a way to make himself better known, likable, and able to make friend. The Winklevoss twin wanted Facebook for the idea that it would make billions of dollars, whereas Mark valued having a friend more than money.
6. Mark and Eduardo friendship was very trusting and communicative between each other. They rely on each other for the things that they lacked. It broke down because Mark’s ambition caused him to become obsessive and value the future of Facebook rather than the future of their friendship. Evidently, Mark befriended Sean and was closer to him than Eduardo because Mark’s world revolved around Facebook.
7. A Friend wanted him to find out the relationship status of someone in his class. He then replied “I don’t know. It’s not like she carried a sign with her that says it”. Then he realized that he can make that happen.
8. People liked Facebook because it was new, cool, and easy to access. He thought advertisement would make it less likeable. Yes he did, because he waited until it got popular and addictive then add advertising to the site. By this time, people were too into Facebook to care about it.
9. Mark saw Erica at a restaurant and wanted to talk to her but she embarrassed him in front of her friends. He wanted to show her how successful he had become by expanding his site to other schools, including hers.
10. It is a way of expressing oneself without feeling embarrassed or having to face the opinion of others
11. The Typed word is so powerful because it cannot be erased. It is attempting to misuse the power because people can type they’re thoughts very quickly and everyone can see it as soon as it is posted. However, there is no way to undo it if one regrets it. Positive things social network is capable are communicating with others in a rapid speed.
12. Sean Parker is the founder of Napster.
13. The film portrays that the way to “coolness” is with money. If users knew that their lives were being use to make money, they would probably feel very exposed and used, however some may not care as long as the pleasure of Facebook was at their disposal.
14. Online, we can be whoever we want to be and Facebook allows us to showcase that, even if it is not true. This affects our identity and self-image because we are not accepting who we really are and instead, making up a whole new image that possibly cannot be brought up to.
15. Mark cheated by posting the images on Facebook and getting others opinions on it.
16. When he expanded Facebook internationally
17. Sean only cared about fame, party, and drugs. Eduardo was pushed out of the business by only getting .03 percent, which was basically nothing.
18. The film shows that Mark is overly ambitious and is prepared to do anything to reach his goals. He stole the base of the idea but made it better
19. Facebook is a good way to communicate with friends and family that are far away, however, Facebook is an easy place for cyber bullying and pretending to be someone you’re not.
20. The impact is that it has allowed people to communicate and meet internationally.
21. Very good film to learn from, especially for entrepreneurs. I responded to Mark by thinking he is an asshole, but a smart asshole.
Monday, March 2, 2015
This is me.
Who am I? I'm Sara Irvine

This is a picture of Grand Turk In the Turks and Caicos. I have visited there twice within the last two years and both times brought me inspiration due to the welcoming environment and beautiful scenery. While I was scuba diving there, it gave me an experience that was utterly overwhelming because it gave me the determination to go for what I want.
"A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away." -Dr. Boyce, "The Menagerie", Star Trek
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
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